Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Welcome Gail

My mother Gail is visiting us from Chicago this weekend. She flew in yesterday afternoon and flies out Monday morning after we've had a lot of fun. That's the plan.

To make her feel especially welcome, I wanted to make sure we had some food in the house that she liked. You know, food = love.

Gail is gluten-free so the other evening Eric stopped by the Whole Foods to get some gluten free items which, not intuitively, are stored at the opposite end of the store from the other baked goods, back by the meat. Not sure if this is some sort of advanced psychology merchandising or if they found that late at night the regular baked goods were bullying the gluten-free items and making them feel bad about themselves.

We ended up getting Ezekiel Bread and gluten free muffin mix which I made into pumpkin muffins last night.

Combine that with fresh coffee with half & half et voila!: Gail is welcomed.
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