Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Bullet: dodged

For anyone who doesn't already think I work for some sort of cult, I received this email last week:

"Next Friday, May 29th marks our first quarter gateway on the 100 day stretch and we will be having a special 2 hour team meeting that will begin at 6:30am sharp (for SF locals) at the steps in Aquatic Park. Bathing suits are recommended. You’ll also need a pen."

I resided for a moment in incredulity. Then forwarded this to Eric.

"Is this the first time you'll need to get a bikini wax for work?" Eric asked.

So as it turned out, this trip to Seattle was a blessing in disguise. I slept in this morning rather than joining my colleagues getting hypothermic in the Bay.

In a weird way I do sort of feel like I missed out on something. But then I remember that it was something bad that I missed out on, and then I am glad.
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