Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Packing it in

What a weekend! We really crammed a whole lot of fun stuff into the past two days, let me tell you. I am almost exhausted just thinking about it.

There was the improv show, and the nice Basque snack afterwards where I shamelessly tasted three wines before choosing one I liked. My excuse is that I was getting warmed up for wine country the next day where after a most unfortunate and time consuming mis-navigation on my part we discovered a whole bunch of new wineries we hadn't been to before. It was delightful and really, really hot. For lunch, we had cheese. Lots. Mmmm.

Wine country can really wreck you if you aren't used to drinking constantly all day so we didn't make it back out that evening - instead we crowded around my laptop to watch Changeling. Let's just say I wouldn't recommend it. Or The Wrestler. Or Frost/Nixon. I will now resume control of the Netflix queue.

Sunday brought many, many more adventures. The people who planned Bay to Breakers were considerate enough to send it a half block past our place, so we wandered over there to watch a handful of elite African runners, followed by a slightly slower handful of elite white runners, followed shortly thereafter by 85,000 drunks in costume. It is one of my favorite San Francisco events though I had never spectated before, I had only participated. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the madness and cheering. Eric loudly did one of my favorite race cheers that I encountered the first time I "ran" Bay to Breakers years ago. "You're all winners. You're all winning." It goes over great. Trust me.

Eric's biggest takeaway: if we spectate next year we need a megaphone.

After watching over an hour of this, we needed to go back to bed for a while to recover. Not too much later we perked up in time to go watch the Blackhawks vs Red Wings game at our local Sunday sports bar Jillian's, followed quite incongruously with a trip to the SFMOMA to see the Kentridge exhibit. (Highly recommend. It goes until May 31.) Followed by...the Giants game at AT&T Park. In case you don't know Gail, I should probably confirm what you might suspect which is that the hockey/baseball double header is an unlikely Sunday gameplan. But she seemed to be enjoying herself so we didn't ask too many questions. The only thing we didn't get to do that she had seemed legitimately interested in doing was go learn to shoot a gun. Next time, Mom, OK?

We closed the weekend out with a feast of Thai food and calling for a 5:45am cab for my mother and me, she headed home and I to Seattle. I am On The Road.

See you next time, Gail!
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