Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I thought I was being a real garden badass by cutting greens from my very own garden yesterday morning and bringing them to work for lunch.

I had a meeting during lunch where I got as far as taking the tupperware out of my bag, putting it on the desk, and opening the top. But I never actually dressed or began to eat the pointy leafy greens.

Halfway through the meeting, my colleague Nicky casually reached over and plucked a little green spider off the rim of the tupperware where it was doing a little spider dance.

Salad remained untouched and was still chilling on my desk at around 3pm when an inchworm wandered out onto the rim of the tupperware and inched his way around and around the container while I talked to a client on the phone.

Once I got off the phone, I raided the snack closet and ate some granola for lunch instead.

But the salad is still in the fridge. It's so hard to throw away something you grow yourself! Maybe I'll wash it several times and eat it today. Or maybe tomorrow.
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1 comment:

ginger said...

HA HA, great story!! Do not only wash, but let soak for a few minutes gets off all the unwanted dirt and "things"!!