Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Against all the odds

I'm not sure what came over me on Tuesday when I was shopping for clothing for the rest of the week. Maybe I was delirious, or simply feeling audacious. I did something that I normally have the presence of mind and superior judgment not to do: I bought a white blouse.

I know, I know. Foolish. We all know that I am not adult enough to be left in charge of caring for a white blouse.

In fact, I own very few white items at all. We have two white tablecloths that we use for our eating table* and one of them is totally stained and shabby: this we call the kids tablecloth for obvious reasons. The other tablecloth is the one we use when anyone other than the two of us is present. Also for obvious reasons.

So, despite better judgment, I'm wearing it today. I'll let you know how it goes. Smart money is on at least one stain before lunch.

*It's like a kitchen table that's not in the kitchen and not in the dining room. Is it just a table?
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eric said...

Nice to see the word "audacious" this morning.

Come home, please!

T. Ross said...

Kitchen table not in kitchen,
Dining table not in dining room,
Methinks thou hast an "Eating Platform"

Verification Word = "distiest"