Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Go ahead and make me

Today we go to the Maker Faire to celebrate Nelson's birthday. It looks like it will either be really cool, or perhaps more targeted at children than one would want it to be given that we are a group of about 12 30ish year olds attending today.

In other news from the breakfast table, Eric and I were reading about a drunk driver with a blood alcohol level of .16. I have no idea what that actually means, you know? How drunk is that? I'm curious to learn.

"Looks like you can rent a breathalizer for about 20 bucks," Eric reported.

"Oh wait, that's a breathalizer costume. Never mind." He updated a moment later.

Turns out to get a really accurate reading it looks like you have to spend some real cash. That's unlikely. For more thoughts on the merits of breathalizers, here's another opinion.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at a bar in Maine a couple weeks ago that had a breathalyzer right by the door - 50 cents a blow.

Doesn't that seem like something they should have for free at every bar?