Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Qualified? Who cares?

I've received several concerned emails from friends and family regarding a PBS poll that asks if Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President of the United States (of America).

The current tally on the poll is 47% No, 53% Yes, 0% Not Sure.

I think the answer choice missing here is "Qualifications are irrelevant" because clearly it is not her qualifications that are inspiring people to support her - nor is her shocking lack of them impeding them from doing so.

What a fascinating time to be an American.
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Dan said...

If by fascinating you mean infuriating, then YES.

Ellie said...

If by infuriating you mean unconscionably and appallingly irresponsible, then we agree.


I just can't even go there.