Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All hepped up and nowhere to go

Last night at dinner with some friends, one of whom is a little older, the chocolate dessert option "for the table" was rejected due to the caffeine content of chocolate. Having very low sensitivity to caffeine myself it never would have occurred to me that this would be an issue, but I will now add this to my list of fears I have about aging: that I have to start eating all my chocolate cake in the morning so that it doesn't keep me up at night.

For the record**:
8 oz Coca Cola: 23 mg
8 oz brewed green tea: 30-35 mg*
Half cup Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream: 30 mg
1.5 oz dark chocolate: 31 mg
8 oz Mountain Dew: 36 mg
8 oz brewed black tea: 47-50 mg*
Shot of espresso: 64 mg
8 oz Monster energy drink: 80 mg
8 oz brewed coffee: 95 mg
2 tablets Excedrin, extra strength: 130 mg
8 oz Starbucks coffee: 165-250 mg*
1 tablet NoDoz maximum strength: 200 mg

So to put this in perspective: you get the same amount of caffeine from 8 oz of Coke that you get from smelling the breath of a person who just drank a Starbucks coffee.

*Depends on brewing
**These values varied quite a bit from source to source but I think they are, as we would say in the consulting world when we had no idea about something, "directionally correct"
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1 comment:

T. Ross said...

I just heard a very interesting podcast in which I learned how the caffeine in tea works on humans very differently that other caffeine. Apparently tea also has some kind of compound in it that appears no where else in nature (except one inedible fungus) that interacts with caffeine to make the "tea caffeine experience" much more smoothed out and even, compared to coffee/soda/etc.

Word verifcation = "Graton" which I am now considering as a name for our next child.