Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nesting week

Eric and I met at the airport this past Sunday evening to share a cab home. He was coming from a week in Paris for work, I from 5 days in Olympic National Park. Arriving home, we took in the card table, air mattress and two borrowed plates that constituted the whole of our material lives, noted that the pod would be arriving from DC on Thursday, and wondered what life might feel like if we really, you know, lived somewhere.

"I declare this week Nesting Week," declared Eric.

Nesting week had three phases:

Phase I: Talking about Nesting Week but not actually tackling any Nesting To-Dos such as taking items we know we don't want in the apartment down to the storage, making extra copies of keys or deciding where things might go.

Phase II: Whirlwind of Nesting Activities! Air mattress is deflated, pod is delivered, pod is unloaded, DMV is visited and licenses and registration are switched to CA, enormous mess is created. Passive voice is overused.

Phase III : Getting a little drunk and eating a whole pizza.*

The apartment is such a disaster scene right now that when the power went out in my office for 3 hours today I sat here in the dark and worked off my laptop battery rather than go home and work there.

They say it is always darkest before dawn. Well, I can't wait to see what the apartment looks like in the morning light!

*According to Eric, this is in fact required by law following any sort of household move.
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