Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Only $3.33 per inning!

It has been absolutely balmy in SF recently so there was really no alternative Friday night but to go to the ballpark to see the Giants take on the Pirates.

Having lived a block from the ballpark for a while there, Eric and I had gotten accustomed to wandering over during the 3rd or 4th inning to get tickets from the dudes hanging out on the corners. On Friday, the game started at 7:15, and around 8:15, per usual, we left our place to get tickets and check out the game.

Though we still live reasonably close to the ballpark, it turns out it is about a 15 min walk, 20 min if you are ambling and enjoying the beautiful evening. We met up with our friend Tim and thought it was a little odd that there weren't more guys selling tickets, but unphased we soon came across a scalper and, perhaps hastily, secured three tickets to the game for the low low price of $30 total. Success! In we went.

The seventh inning was just getting underway.

Wow, said Tim. Three whole innings.

So we were a little later than we realized and apparently the Pirates defense had been making short work of the Giants. I admit, I was a little dispirited that we were so late and had paid a whopping $10 per ticket for so little baseball.

But because we are good sports, and because we didn't really have much choice, we enjoyed what we did see of the game, which was mostly the Pirates continuing to destroy the Giants, plus a few other special treats, including the 7th Inning Stretch as sung by past and present Olympians, which was quite possibly the most unfortunate public performance of Take Me Out To The Ballgame ever. There were also some drunk Cal kids in the bleachers who all looked to be about 14 and who were cheering the Bears.

Yeah, it was pretty fun.

By the bottom of the eighth inning I was ready to leave.
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