Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Office space

My current employer is technically based in DC, which makes it an enormous inconvenience and not a little awkward for me to have decided to move to San Francisco. Amazingly, said employer has been very generous about setting me up with a workspace here so that I don't completely lose my mind trying to work from home.

Eric spends over an hour each way to get from home to work and back, and that's when he gets the fast train. In contrast, my commute is a block and a half. Would it be bad sportsmanship for me to admit that some days that extra half block really gets to me? I guess that would depend on whether or not you consider commuting to be a sport.

Even if you won't lament my commute, perhaps I can earn just a crumb of sympathy for the much appreciated but almost microscopic space in which I now spend my days. Recently I calculated the square footage by standing up and stretching out my arms. In one direction, the fingertips that weren't touching the wall left a gap of about 4 inches, so we'll call that 6 feet. In the other direction, the gap was a little bigger, which I'll round up to 7 feet. The one by the other gives you a glorious 42 square feet of office space.
OK, half a crumb. Please? Look what I'm working with here!
Does it hurt or help my case when I tell you the yoga studio where I did my teacher training -- but which I now hate -- is on the block I walk on to get from home to office? Isn't that awful?
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

Why do you hate the yoga studio?