Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stuff and more stuff

It's Saturday morning. Eric is teaching his first class at the UC Berkeley Extension this morning (Go Eric Go!!!) and left at least 90 minutes too early but I think you kind of have to do that the first time.

I am packing and doing last minute prep for a business trip to Amsterdam for which I leave today* which means I am actually vacuuming and dusting and cleaning the bathroom because for some reason those are all more appealing right now than the things I am supposed to be doing.

Drunk Mexicans are singing and laughing on the street below. They're singing "Cielito Lindo" which I remember from my 9th grade Spanish class. It is one of those rare songs that actually doesn't sound all that different sung by bored, embarrassed 9th graders or by drunk Mexicans.

I've now decided I need to throw out all of my shoes. They are in a paper bag by the door. All except for a few essential pairs that were spared. The rest must go. And by go, I mean that they go down to the "storage area" in the garage where they sit in Goodwill purgatory while I wait to realize that I have made a horrible mistake choosing to throw them away. After a few months, if I haven't thought about them, then off they go for real.

I'm back to reading fiction books again, something I gave up for about 18 months there for no reason other than that I just sort of stopped reading them. But now I am back and making up for the lost time. The only good thing about the 11 hour flight ahead of me is that my laptop battery will die and I will have no excuse not to tuck into some quality fiction. One other good thing about the flight is that it is direct to Amsterdam. The bad thing about the flight is that I am flying coach, even though it is for work. But now it's time to go so I'll have to save my self-righteous griping about that for another time since I still need to finish packing.

*Brutal, no?
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