Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First one in gets some free Mahler!

Eric and I kicked off our subscription to the San Francisco Symphony last night with the first concert of the season. It was the SFS's beloved MTT* conducting Mahler, his specialty. The selections from last night were a set of songs called the Ruckert songs, and then Mahler's 1st. Eric and I missed the official pre-concert talk so we had our own and debated whether Mahler's music is more aptly characterized as "angsty" or "tortured." There was also some discussion of the actual meaning of the word "lachrymose" as it applies to oboes.

The concert began with the songs, sung by mezzo-soprano Susan Graham. I do not exaggerate when I say they were transcendent. This was music at its most glorious.

The performance of Mahler's 1st was wonderful as well though without that same heartbreaking beauty the songs had captured. MTT was fun to watch as he hopped around on his little podium almost like a mime performing a range of characters for the orchestra: the Tin Man, Mousy Old Woman, Used Car Salesman, Dick Van Dyke, Pillsbury Dough Boy, and many others. Parts of it were eerily like the soundtrack to Mary Poppins, which I don't think was Mahler's work but I started feeling less and less certain of that as the music went on. I think Eric's favorite part was when everything got very very quiet and I closed my eyes and everything was very soft and lovely and then CRASH! enter the cymbals. I practically leapt out of my chair.

They were recording the concert and as a bonus (and a bribe to minimize extraneous noises during the concert) they handed out cards which have a code that you can redeem on iTunes for a free Mahler sampler courtesy of the SF Symphony. We happened to get two extra cards, so the first two people to try these codes get some free Mahler!

From the iTunes store, click Redeem under Quick Links. Enter the code below and your download will start immediately.
Download code: FYKEMHPMRL9J
Download code: E96HK6NJ3M9J

Who says I never give away anything good? (Let me know who the big winners are!)

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1 comment:

Amanda said...

I won the first one! I'll leave the next for someone else. You know, because I like to share.

Thanks Ell!