Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Unsolicited advice

My little startup is looking for free help and we thought we might be able to get an intern or two in to help out so we posted an internship opportunity on craigslist that asked for an undergrad or advanced degree plus a few years of relevant work experience.

This may very well be an absurd request. But the bonus for me has been that a number of people have been so incensed by our job posting that they have been compelled to email us with their thoughts on the matter.

Let me share just a few:

You want someone with an MBA for an unpaid internship?

My daughter is only a junior in college and is working on her second paid job in the sustainability field.

Best wishes and good luck.

And there was this guy:
No disrespect but your education requirements are far too high for a "marketing intern". Why would anyone with a BS degree + 2-3 years work experience do an unpaid internship? The economy is bad, but NOT THAT BAD! Get a fucking clue and good luck finding anyone close to your "standards".


And yet another came this morning:

Minimum: BS/BA degree plus 2-3+ years relevant work experience
Preferred: MBA plus 2-3+ years relevant experience
This internship position is unpaid

Um...If someone already has "relevant work experience" and major educational credentials - why are they going to work for you for free? Because you're so "dynamic" and shit?

Good luck with that start-up.

In addition to these replies, we have also received a deluge of resumes from people applying for the internships, some of whom even meet the requested standard. (The applicant pool thus far does largely suggest, however, that you get what you pay for.)

I'm just now putting the following touches on my next posting: "Opportunity to give me your cash. Come on over and give me some of your money. Whatever's in your wallet. Or stop by the ATM on your way. Will accept USD but Euros preferred. This opportunity is limited and will end by November 1."
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