Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Somewhere between a house plant and a fish

Meet Steve and Nessy.

Steve is the dumpy-looking puppy on the left. Nessy is the chipper dinosaur/monster on the right.

Nessy won Round 1 of the chia competition back in DC not only because she grew a nice even, full coat and had a pleasing well-groomed look to her, but also because she didn't become nauseatingly moldy and rank like some other chia pets I know. Poor Steve. It's not his fault he looks like he pooped his pants and also kind of looks like a pervert.

I see growing the chias as an exercise in loving unconditionally. And trying not to inadvertently kill living things that depend on you for their survival. Both admirable things and worth cultivating, I think. Until Steve gets moldy again at which point I'm throwing him away.
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