Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, October 10, 2008

All together now

I had lunch yesterday with the infamous shirt-removing recruit of several weeks ago. We're still working out the details of having him join the firm, and this was a chance for us to catch up and talk through a few things.

For lunch, he suggested we check out this Korean BBQ food truck that allegedly parks a few blocks away on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:45pm. I found nothing suspicious about this at all, which is one of the reasons why I would not be a good spy.*

In the course of chatting, it came up that he was going to be out of town this weekend and all next week.

"I'm going to be in North Carolina," he explained, then paused and looked at me intently.

"I think I can tell you this," he said conspiratorially, in an almost hushed tone.

(Wait for it....)

"It's a competition for my synchronized swimming team."

I reacted by explosively laughing, spastically clapping my hands and then literally throwing them over my head with delight. This guy is one funny dude.

Yeah, he was serious.

Apparently, it is quite common** for serious competitive swimmers to take up synchronized swimming after they get "water-logged" which I took to be an insider term meaning the same as "burned out" but adapted for, you know, water. He explained that he was essentially following in his mother's footsteps, as she had also been a competitive synchronized swimmer following her racing career.

"So for you it really has a lot to do with the family legacy," I reflected.

"Yes, absolutely." He seemed to feel he had been sufficiently heard and understood.

The Korean food wasn't half bad either, though if North Korea ever invades San Francisco I think we'll know where the advance team was on Tuesdays and Thursdays around lunch time.

*Full list potentially forthcoming. No guarantees.
**I have no idea how common it is. Isn't "quite" a great word? It could be any amount of common and quite would still be quite appropriate.
***Youtube "coed synchronized swimming" at your own risk.
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