Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pick your own fruit - check

We took Emerson fruit picking this weekend. It is something I've wanted to do for a while. Eric insisted that if it were that much fun it wouldn't be something only desperate migrant workers are willing to do. I did point out that they usually work for less than minimum wage - perhaps because they enjoyed it so much? OK, probably not.

We drove a little over an hour outside of San Francisco to get to the fruit and it was h-o-t out, which I love. The fruit on offer was apricots, nectarines and peaches. The nectarines and peaches were ready to pick but not quite ready to eat. The apricots, on the other hand, had the double bonus of being ready to eat and being an easy two bites. Yum!

For me, this experience gave new meaning to "low-hanging fruit," a term which I have used many times as a consultant rather than as a fruit-picker. For the record, it has significantly more meaning as a fruit-picker. Especially when picking with people who are taller than you are.

The haul (half of it actually- we had two boxes):

What do you do with 30+ pounds of ripe fruit? Make some* jam!

*way too much

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1 comment:

ginger said...

HA HA, you two look like maybe you had a little too much ripe fruit!!
(and a lot of fun!!)