Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back on the bike

Several weeks ago, Eric agreed to watch Emerson while I went to a yoga class. This was exciting! But to get to the class I had to ride my bike. I was less excited about this than I would have anticipated.

It has been many months since I have been on my bike due to the whole pregnancy and giving birth and having a newborn thing. Long enough that my bike had to be unearthed from the back of the garage and revived from a serious bike coma. We dusted it off, filled up the tires and greased up the chain, which had gotten a bit rusty (whoops). As I wheeled it out to the street, I noticed the back wheel had gotten slightly warped, probably from having the lock hanging on it for almost a year.

I hopped on and pedaled off to yoga, ignoring the regular soft jolt as the warped part of my wheel rubbed against the brake.

It all came right back to me, just like riding a bike.
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