Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mom and Baby Fill in the Blank

Apart from the skirt making (which has clearly not been taking up too too much of my time) most everything I do these days is done with Emerson. This includes getting exercise.

I gave Mom and Baby Yoga a try a few weeks back. I think I would have liked it better if it wasn't trying to pretend to have anything to do with actual yoga. Given the number of babies there, at least four of them are crying at any given moment and at least half of them need to be fed at some point during the class. We did do a few yoga postures but I think I have done more yoga while waiting for the bus than we did in this class. Not that it was a bad class, I just didn't feel it delivered on what its name promised. I think it should be called Mom and Baby Play and Feeding Time With Yoga Mats In A Yoga Studio But Don't Expect Any Actual Yoga.

Today I went to Stroller Fitness for the first time. It is offered by a yoga studio but cleverly promises that no actual yoga will take place. The class meets in the lobby of the studio* and walks to a nearby park, in this case Alamo Square. This works out well as a spot for women who are trying to lose embarrassing pregnancy pounds because it is major tourist destination: it is a stop for those double decker tourist buses as well as a good proportion of all of the other tourist buses in the city. People want to see the Painted Ladies. As a bonus, on Wednesday mornings they get to see the Postpartum Ladies too. Running up and down the stairs, doing lunge squats with our strollers, doing forearm plank and push ups with our hands on the actual ground.

"Do you smell dog poo every time you go down?" Sarah asked me as we did push ups.

I can't wait to go back.

*Or, if you are running 10 minutes late like me because of ridiculous and unnecessary traffic near Van Ness, you drive straight to the park and meet them there.
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