Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halfway to somewhere

As of Monday this week, Belvedere is officially half-baked. 20 weeks ago he began, and 20 weeks from now, give or take, he will be, well, fully cooked.*

As far as we know, he is developing well. The ultrasound pictures revealed all the right things in the right places and we are choosing to forget the creepy 3D ultrasound pictures that make him look like a very small old man.

I haven't gotten too much advice on my pregnancy so far but I have gotten a few tips from our friend Nelson, often on the potentially serious consequences of poor diet during pregnancy:

"If you eat too much high fructose corn syrup then will it turn out to be a Republican?"

"The only risk of drinking a glass of wine while you're pregnant is that the baby will turn out to be kind of French."

*It's a boy! I may not have mentioned that yet. Yay! Name suggestions are welcome.
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"Trichsy" said...

My advice: read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and watch The Business of Being Born(although I had to turn it off when Ricki Lake showed her water birth) but nonetheless very informative movie. Congrats!!! -Erin (Mitchell)Jones

Meghan Taylor said...

Congrats!!! A boy, how exciting! I recommend the following names (in no particular order): Hans Paul (quite international sounding), Bruce Henderson (a very intellectual name), and Joe Davis (the baby will certainly be a 'trendy' dresser)... :-)

Q said...

Judas priest! Congrats again! (I just left a congratulations on the marriage on your FB page...)

ginger said...

I think that Joseph Thomas sounds very nice!!!