Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Moss on Moss

We went to a few open houses in the neighborhood yesterday almost by accident. There was a listing at 37 Moss St and we just couldn't resist wandering over and having a look. According to the listing, it was a newly remodeled 2 bedroom apartment with lots of light. A more accurate description would be "nice kitchen with lots of closet space." It was adorably presented but it was eensy and the only windows opened onto an air shaft and cement wall. And did I mention that it is essentially in Crack Alley (which we currently live near but not in)? I suppose the upside is you wouldn't need to leave the comfort of your closet to get crack or whores - you could just yell out the window. And you can get all of this for the recently reduced price of $459K, plus HOA dues of $250 a month.

I wish I were joking.
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