Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bounty hunter

Last night, dinner time: we put on headlamps, armed ourselves with harvest bowl and harvest scissors and headed up to the roof.

In a drizzling rain, I harvested one whole plant of buttercrunch lettuce which has been growing since February 9th in that box on our rooftop. It made for enough salad for two and was very fresh-tasting and delicious!

For his part, Eric harvested two small spinach plants which have also been growing since February 9th but not quite as happily: the plants were small and the leaves were as thick as a penny and sort of sour, not to mention the birds had been nibbling them. We sauteed the spinach leaves with a bit of olive oil and each had two bites of fresh spinach.

"It sort of tastes like eggs," commented Eric. It did!

For dessert, fruit from our local CSA fruit box, which in its newsletter yesterday announced that the "fruit-only" CSA box from them will soon include sustainable bison meat. Because people who sign up for a fruit-only box are actually hoping for meat.

Here's a daytime pre-harvest photo of the box in question:
(buttercrunch is the second box from the left in the near row; spinach is the far right box in the near row. see how puny it is?)

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