Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Field trip II

When you get up at 4:25am it better be for a good reason. Today it was: Eric and I were Nashville-bound on a 6am flight connecting through Atlanta. In spite of possibly the most ridiculous airport security line I have ever seen - as close to "around the block" as an airport security line can get - we arrived in Nashville a mere 7 hours later. Lickety split.

It has been a great visit so far. When I tell you that "dessert" (after dinner at a local Mexican joint called Nacho's) was brownies and Old Style from a can in Eric's parents' living room, which could easily be in a Home and Garden magazine, you will know that I am telling the truth.
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1 comment:

ginger said...

Have a fun weekend!!