Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TTFN to Gerri

Last night was my fourth and final improv class with Gerri, for now. With the works demands of actually having a job, and the fact that I'll be traveling some over the next few weeks, it is time for a break in spite of the fact that improv might be the most personally insightful and developmentally beneficial 3 hours of my week.

Four sessions is not very many, but they are intense enough that the group to got to be pretty well gelled which allowed us to take more risks and experiment more in our scenes. I had a couple of great scenes and couple of horrible ones. In one of them I attempted to continue working on using accents and I committed to a southern black accent which was great except that it sounded a lot different from my scene partner's. This would have been fine until he declared that we were twin siblings, necessitating the further clarification that we had been separated at birth and raised on different continents.

I also had an entertaining and emotional scene where I was a high school tennis star and my coach showed up to practice with me drunk. I got to yell. It was fun.

I think this break will be a great chance to take what I am learning in improv and experiment with it in real life. You know, like active listening and reincorporation of ideas, or taking on different accents in meetings at work.

I'll let you know how that goes.
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