Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I truly do not know where to begin in describing my new improv class.

The teacher is an energetic and possibly clinically insane woman named Gerri who reacts hugely to everything that her students do, which includes grabbing her boobs constantly. If you sit next to her while other students are doing a scene, you must be prepared for her to grab your arm, maybe your leg, and maybe literally throw herself completely into you as she experiences - intensely - the emotions that the improvisers on stage are working with. This is not hypothetical.

I think she is extraordinary and I am very excited to be in her class. And I would like to pledge publicly that, no matter how strong my natural tendencies towards mimicry are, I will not start grabbing my boobs constantly. Only intermittently. I promise.
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