Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Golden Beetloaf Sandwich Saga Ends Happily

We've probably been to Atlas Cafe for live bluegrass Thursdays at least fifteen times now. It's fun, cheap and tasty.

It was on our twelfth visit, when Jamaica and Nelson joined as well, that we stopped regarding the Golden Beetloaf menu selection as just another reason to make a funny face.

Jamaica was so demonstratively satisfied by her choice that it left all of us feeling as though we had missed out on something big. She literally at one point said to all of us including Nelson "I can't share this with you - it's too good. I can't spare even a single bite."

Well. That's quite an endorsement for a sandwich.

On the thirteenth visit we were devastated to learn: out of beetloaf. Eavesdroppers on our previous visit must have gotten to it first.

Fourteenth visit: again - out! Do the laws of supply and demand not function at Atlas Cafe?!?

Fifteenth visit, last night: sweet beety success!

And I'm already looking forward to visit sixteen, beetloaf number two.
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ginger said...

I have never heard of beetloaf, and being a macrobiotic/vegequarian eater, you might think I had....tell me more about it........I think I want one....

Sarah said...

Beetloaf # 2. Nuff said.