Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Keeping up with the Obamas

There's news sprouting up everywhere about people starting kitchen gardens. It seems there is a bonafide urban and suburban agricultural revolution underway!

Adding to the list, the BBC reported today that the Obamas are getting into it too. Only they are doing it with 1,100 square feet, 55 varieties of vegetables and an army of local school children to help plant, tend and harvest. Not to mention they have a chef who will cook it all up for them to eat.

For the record, I had no idea all these other people had the same idea that I did when I decided to build my garden. And I suppose that's probably how these things happen: we all think we are doing our own thing and then we realize that everyone else was thnking the same thing. It happens with baby names, why not urban gardens too.

What I think is particularly exciting about the kitchen garden revolution is that it has the potential to accomplish nothing less than fundamentally change Americans' relationship with food and the land. It is also good preparation for imminent total societal collapse.

Let them eat garden-grown vegetables!
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