Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, March 30, 2009

And on your left, a naked pig

Eric and I spent the weekend in Seattle. I have to be here this week for work so we figured we'd make a trip out of it. That seemed like a great idea until we were getting on the plane Saturday morning, leaving sunny and 75 degrees to head to rainy and 37 degrees. Perhaps this was not the most logical weekend getaway one might have planned.

Our only real plan for the weekend was the Savor Seattle tour, a must-do according to Trip Advisor. Seven stops for fresh, local, organic, sustainable and seasonal food and drink sounded like a delicious way to spend the afternoon.

Our guide, Eric, started off the tour by announcing that this was his first day following a minor format change and he might stumble a little. He appreciated our patience.

It is hard to imagine what sort of "minor" format change would have left him so completely unprepared for the afternoon.

In addition to the niggling sense I had that he made up most of the "facts" that he shared with the group, he, more than once, completely ran out of things to say. At one point, walking from one location to another, he literally resorted to "um, and over there are some apartments, and, hmm, yeah oh look a pigeon!"

All in all it was a good experience and it did include a lot of delicious food, though not all of it quite as local, sustainable and organic as it was made out to be. (During the tour of the "all local organic gelateria" we spotted industrial-size cans of Libby's pumpkin and sacks of coconut from the Philippines on the shelves in the storeroom.) I suppose to them local means it comes from the storeroom, which is right there, after all.

Oh look! Cute puppy!
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