Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, February 6, 2009

No wonder it took them so long to get their government together

February is Strong Beer Month in San Francisco.

Here's what happens during Strong Beer Month:

Some evening in February you innocently go to your local microbrewpub, say 21st Amendment, and you order a harmless sounding beer like "Monk's Blood" which you may or may not notice is 11.2% alcohol.

You will notice a warm, pleasant sensation all through your body and decide to try another intriguing sounding beer. "Oh look! The Hop Crisis Triple IPA! I'll have one!" you say. And then after just a few swigs of this 11.8% tonic, you will find yourself under the table curled up in fetal position.

If you are hardy enough to drink all 12 beers during February you get a commemorative glass and a commemorative beer belly to go with it. Neither glass nor belly is available for purchase separately and both prove that you are awesome.

Jamaica launched her campaign for her very own 2009 strong beer glass on Tuesday and had this to say:
"I made the mistake of ordering a third strong beer. I woke up at 4 am feeling like the crappiest of all crap, and spent most of Wednesday angry Belgium exists."

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