Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm speechless

Two or three times a year I lose my voice. Completely.

Right now is one of those times. I had a head cold that moved into my chest like a bad weather system over the weekend. I could almost see the ominous-looking green radar clouds moving into my larynx and making a mess such that now I am incapable of making any audible voice-like noises. Not even a gravelly stage whisper. Nothin.

I could view this as an opportunity for me to become a better listener, or I could take this time to reflect on my increased empathy for people who must live like this all the time. I could even get all figurative and become inspired to help the many "voiceless" people out there: the poor, the marginalized, the illegals.

I could. And I still may. But for now, I am just going to drink another cup of hot tea and enjoy the silence.
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