Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stinky, funny, sexy

Last night in improv class we played a Party Scene game in which one person is hosting a party and three guests arrive one at a time. The trick is that prior to starting the scene, each person designates in her own mind one scene-mate as stinky, one funny, and one sexy. Then in the scene each person's behavior must reflect how she feels about the other guests without actually saying it.

Right off the bat, I found myself in what the teacher later called a classic "Pepe Le Pew" scene where the person I had decided was Sexy had apparently decided I was Stinky.

Then, as I headed over to enjoy the delightful company of my Funny, she attached herself to her Funny and cut me out.

Finally, left with no one to interact with but my Stinky, I tried to make friendly conversation at a generous distance but she too quickly hurried away to "see about opening a window."

I guess some days you're just everybody's Stinky.
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