Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

On the road

I'm in Chicago this evening on a long (2 day) layover en route to the great white north and got to have dinner with my father, step-mother Mykael and step-bros Alex and Justin tonight. Alex leaves Saturday for his first ever trip to Europe which triggered a barrage of nostalgia and unsolicited travel suggestions. My father remembered hitch-hiking through Germany ("when you didn't get a ride by nightfall, you would just walk a ways from the road into the fields and end up sleeping in a ditch or wherever you could find a good spot") and Mykael offered practical advice ("sometimes wine is cheaper than water") and a lot of mini-shampoos and conditioners. There was heated debate as to the appropriate number of pairs of socks to bring on a four-week trip. (I say three.)

At some point, my father wandered off down the hall. (It happens.) He came back with his passport pouch from 1972, complete with international student ID and a handful of now green Kenyan coins.

Wow, Dad! Check out that photo!

Have a great trip Alex!
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