Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yay baseball!

We're taking advantage of living a block from the baseball stadium by going to games on evenings when you don't need arctic gear to survive more than a few innings. Last night was a perfect night for baseball so about 45 min into the game we wandered out our front door, scalped some $40 tickets for $10 each and headed into the land of $12 plastic bottles of Miller lite.

The game was fun but it quickly became clear that I wasn't going to leave happy without having gotten a foul ball, so I asked the universe to send one our way. I asked kinda quietly at first, but Eric said he didn't think the universe heard me - I had to shout it. So I did. (I guarantee you it was no more obnoxious or disruptive to the people around us than the women who were shouting an inane conversation behind us. "I was at this yoga class in Santa Monica and the guy from Six Feet Under walked in and I thought oh my god I can't believe this...")

So then I decided to take a picture:

As Eric was posing, we heard the crack of bat on ball and a guy behind us say "That's us!" And sure enough everyone around us was tracking the foul coming right at us, trying to position themselves to get it. Eric, typically quite agile, was unfortunately still posing for the photo and so did not dive for the ball with 8 other dudes, and as such did not get entangled in the ball of arms, legs and maybe even a few tails that grunted and bumped its way down the aisle until the guy with the sharpest teeth emerged victorious.

Thanks anyway universe!
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