Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Adventures in Tahoe

We spent a few days in Tahoe this weekend. My brother Andrew, visiting from Chicago, and Eric skied one day and then the next day we all went on a snowshoe adventure.

The scenery was gorgeous and it was fun to tromp around the woods at the lake's edge. There's a river that we discovered that runs through the woods out to the lake and there were ducks in the river eating and being cute. Here's my brother Andrew and me.
And here's me being seven months pregnant while snowshoeing.
We came across a snowy open-air amphitheatre during our tromp and Eric asked "Who's going to do a show?" Andrew and I volunteered and made our way up to the stage. Here's the show!

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1 comment:

ginger said...

I actually started to laugh even before the show started, but then was suprisingly stunned at your and your brother's talent!! Have you seriously considered taking this show on the road?? I loved hearing Eric's voice!!
The pictures from both this and the previous blog are really nice!!!