Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It is not often that we get thunderstorms in San Francisco. It may be for this reason that when the loudest thundercrash I have ever heard ever woke me up at 3am, I was pretty sure that San Francisco was being bombed.

Turned out it was just thunder. But I'm telling you: it was really, really loud.

It was still pouring rain when I had to leave for work. I wore a large raincoat but I may as well have put a plastic baggie on my right hand for all the good it did me. By the time I got to work, it was as though I had gotten dressed and then stood in the shower for 20 minutes. I was drenched to the skin.

One of the nice things about my office is that I have a skylight, so on rainy days you can hear the pat pat pat of the rain. It sounds kind of like sitting in a parked car in the rain. Or laying in a tent in the rain. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it sounds like rain.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I woke up to that too! I actually was awaken by the super bright light of the lightening - it was like a flashlight in my eyes, and then immediately the thunder. Car alarms went on outside. That sucker definitely hit the P. Hill!