Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

100+ days later

I'd like to bring up an awkward topic: my 100 Day Stretch. I've been hoping that I wouldn't bring it up, but I did.

I'm not sure if anyone has been following the 100 Day Stretch scorecard that I posted up here (definitely hoping that you have not) but those of you who have clicked on it since, oh, the beginning of July, might have noticed that it has gone a bit dormant. I didn't stop doing the stuff I had committed to (mostly); I just kind of stopped tracking my progress on the scorecard itself. Maybe tracking my goals should have been one of the goals.

We had a firm party on the 100th day (August 8) where we all shared something we accomplished as part of the Stretch that we were proud of. As I reflected on what to say, I realized that though I certainly did not get to 100% success on the Stretch, I did a lot more than I would have done without it, and I had a lot to be proud of as a result. Doing 15 minutes of yoga every day was particularly rewarding, as were the courageous conversations (one per week!) and asking for help, something I tend to be especially bad at. While I sat there waiting for it to be my turn I went from feeling a little sheepish and slacker-y to feeling downright proud of the things that I did and the way that they served me.

I think I probably landed at about 80% completion of my goals, which were ambitious to begin with. I give myself an A for making accomplishments and a C- for tracking them.
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