Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer is here

I had to wear my down coat and gloves to ride my bike to work this morning. That's how you know that it is summer in San Francisco.

Yesterday was equally chilly and horrible but I got to drive to work because I had to go to a doctor's appointment across town that was not at all bikeable by a reasonable person in professional clothing. As a side note, the patient intake form at the doctor's office asked me for my religion which I haven't seen before.* I wonder how that would affect the care that I would receive.

Last night we could see the lights on at the baseball stadium and had a moment of "that's too bad" slash "ha ha sucks for you" for the people attending the game. As we watched, the fog thickened and settled heavily into the stadium.

I could hear the tomatoes whimpering on the roof.

*Maybe because I almost never go to the doctor?
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