Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Clips show

This is a tough week for blogging and I feel like I'm barely holding it together - my days have been so full they feel as though they keep spilling into one another.

So today's post is the equivalent of a clips show, which I think was some sitcom producer's intern's idea for how to not just do a rerun when the cast was on vacation.

Here are a few of the things that are on my mind today:

My company is helping Wal-Mart revolutionize how we consume goods and this is now public for the first time. Check it out! It is big.

On the cover of the USA Today outside my hotel room door yesterday morning was this article about smart, college-educated folks going into small-scale organic farming. Further proof that I am not nearly as original as I would like to think that I am.

In case you didn't see it or get it from at least five people like I did, this commencement speech by Paul Hawken to the University of Portland class of 2009 is worth reading.

I get to pick the next beer we brew. Here's the list of recipes offered by our local beer ingredient supply shop. Lawnmower ale is the current front-runner but other suggestions will be considered.

I'm fantasizing about buying a motorcycle. (Don't tell my mom.) Maybe a blue one with a funny stripe?
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