Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Tommy used to work on the docks

Part of being unemployed is that it becomes really hard to justify throwing money at problems to make them go away: suddenly, it is actually worth your time to fix them yourself. I guess maybe 30 is as good an age as any to learn how to iron.

Don't get me wrong. I've always been someone to keep an eye out for a good sale or take public transportation to the airport, but I'm talking about taking it to a new level. Let me get straight to the point: I'm talking about coupons here.

Humbling? Perhaps - but there are ways to sidestep facing the reality that one has become a coupon clipper. One is the Green Zebra, a book of coupons for local, sustainable businesses. I'm not being cheap, I'm being green. See the difference?

Another important resource for the wealth-constrained is FunCheapSF, a website that has listings for a wide array of free and cheap events such as Kraft-a-billy DIY Shopping bazaar w/ pin up contest & burlesque (SOMA) and Sexy accordian players concert and pin-up calendar party at Good Vibes (Mission Dist.). What?! And they're FREE?

I'm not sure what their posting guidelines are but I am tempted to submit a posting for The Clementina Show, which I believe is having a special homeless rodeo this weekend between 2 and 4am on Saturday. Cause you live for the fight when it's all that you've got.
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