Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

High-quality programming

At dinner last night with friends Elizabeth and Greg, there was an awkward pause in the conversation that made me laugh. This prompted Greg to comment that their life at home, if filmed, would be a lot like Curb Your Enthusiasm in that it is filled with hilarious awkward pauses, not because Larry David lives at their house (he doesn't).

The obvious question: if someone were to film home life with Eric and me, what sort of programming would that be?

Eric and I looked at each other: yes, definitely some sort of children's show with characters that jump around and make a lot of nonsense noises. Maybe like the Teletubbies? Or a nature show about wild birds?

This lead to another awkward pause as Elizabeth and Greg struggled to find the appropriate response. We each took another bite of food. Mmm, good salad.
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