Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

At the beach

I like it here.

Emerson had a great time playing in the pool and the Gulf today; he made happy, excited noises pretty much constantly all day except when he got the occasional taste of Gulf water and then he scrunched up his face and stuck his tongue way out. But mostly, he had a ball.

I got my work done and still had time to go for a swim with Eric and Emerson and a short walk along the beach. Eric saw a ray with a white under-side jump out of the water, or so he says. I saw a big splash but it could have been a small meteorite or something, you never know.

It is H-O-T here but I am enjoying it. I have made the unreasonable demand that the air conditioning at the condo be set to 85 degrees and so far Eric is going along with it. He might just think it is funny to see me working on my laptop in my bathing suit all day. I think it is very pleasant and will help us acclimatize well to our steamy new home state.

My mother arrives late tomorrow evening. Eric and I are looking forward to seeing her and spending time together here (and having the chance to leave the condo together after 6pm).
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