Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For love or money

Interviewing for jobs is a lot like dating.

You check each other out, try to impress each other and see if there is good chemistry. You want to put your best foot forward while still being yourself. And it can be hard to know how much cleavage is too much.

You imagine what life together would look like. Intense? Lots of travel? Challenging? Comfortable? Might you get bored? Does it require a new wardrobe?

Even when you know you don’t like them, you still want them to like you. And a string of bad meetings can leave you exhausted and wondering what the hell is wrong with you (and what the hell is wrong with all of them). Are all the good ones already taken?

People who are no longer on the market have forgotten the painful uncertainty of being uncommitted and feel compelled to tell you to enjoy the time because you will miss it when it is over. Play while you still can, they advise wistfully.

And now it is time for me to get ready for my hot date this afternoon.
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