Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, April 18, 2011

There's always one

On my bike ride home from work I got stopped at a red light next to the Bay Quackers duck tour. For those who are unfamiliar, the "duck tour" is a tour done in an amphibious vehicle called a duck which drives all over the city checking out sites and then drives into the water and cruises around the bay. To make the experience more memorable the tour guide hands out little yellow quacker noisemakers at the beginning of the tour that you blow into to make a quacking sound.

So I'm at the red light and I hear the people in the duck chatting and quacking. And there's this one woman, maybe mid-thirties?, who is just quacking and quacking and quacking. It's like "quaaaaaaack" (quick inhale) "quaaaaaaack" (quick inhale) "quaaaaaack" (quick inhale) "quaaaaaaaack" (quick inhale) and on and on and on. We're talking serious compulsive behavior here.

The red light is starting to feel a little long and I am admittedly often a little grouchy when riding home especially on really windy days which it was and I am started to get seriously irritated at this woman.

"quaaaaaaack" (quick inhale) "quaaaaaaack" (quick inhale) "quaaaaaack" (quick inhale) "quaaaaaaaack" (quick inhale)....

Finally a seven year old boy on the duck shouts out "Aghhhh Mom can you please make that lady stop doing that!"

And the light turns green. I ride off with a smile.
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