Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anatomy lesson

Emerson is fascinated with the bathroom at the moment, probably because we don't let him in there to explore and play. But if you don't shut the door all the way he knows how to open it and he takes every chance he gets to do this.*

He let himself into the bathroom the other day after Eric had taken a shower. He stood there looking at Eric (who was naked) and then pointed at Eric's you-know-what and smiled and laughed.

Later that day after I had taken a shower and was in the bedroom getting dressed, Emerson comes in and sees me naked. He gets this look on his face like he has just figured out something really major. He points at my you-know-what and laughs. Then he looks out the bedroom door at Eric sitting on the couch and points at him, then looks back at me and points at me again, with a look of confused delight on his face.

So that's that milestone!

*We will be playing in the living room and suddenly he will just stand up and bolt out of the room down the hall on the off-chance that we have left the bathroom door ajar enough for him to get into.
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1 comment:

ginger said...

Now you just wait until he starts talking and asking OTHER people about their you-know-whats!!! It's not too bad if it is a friend of yours, but when they ask the insurance salesman, it is mortifying!!!
{Just giving you something to look forward to!! Don't have to thank me!! :-)}