Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In your head

Eric and I both regularly now sing the alphabet song in Spanish.

We do the numbers 1-10 as well.

It would be funny if it weren't so hard to stop.

I blame all these singing musical toys that Emerson plays with. These little ditties get played hundreds of times a day and they are all of them completely infectious.

This little sing 'n play guitar plays a song that both Eric and I sing almost constantly now: The Movers of Arabia. It's very catchy! And nonsensical. The lyrics are: "We are the movers of Arabia!" over and over. What does that mean? I have no idea! But I suspect that this toy might actually be a secret Defense Department project to start programming young minds early on the need for democratic reform in the Middle East.
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1 comment:

ginger said...

Oh, I remember doing this......I can still sing some of them!! When Sara was a teen, and we both shared a babysitting job down the street, she would always get so angry with me when I came home singing the songs from a video called Baby Songs...they would get stuck in her head and she would sing them forever!!! I hope some of the tunes are more fun than they were then.....for your sake!! :-)