Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Grace and grays

Over the last year and a bit I have learned to love my natural hair color (inspired by my desire to avoid the chemicals used to give my hair its 'natural' blonde highlights).

I thought it might be hard to get used to being a non-blond, and I was definitely worried that I would see a decrease in how much fun I have. But it turned out to be great! And I welcomed my natural hair color gracefully.

And then about five minutes later I made a very rude discovery: a gray hair. Maybe even more than one. I'm not telling.

You might point out that it is entirely possible that the gray hairs have been there all along and I just didn't see them because I was highlighting my hair. I would ask you to mind your own business and let me tell the story my way. This is a recent development that requires further consideration. I only have so much gracefulness to go around.
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