Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Google Games

Sunday evening, Eric, Andrew and I were sitting around our living room just hanging out with our laptops, sharing music and funny videos, writing emails, etc, when Eric discovered a fun game.

Google very cleverly tries to anticipate the search you are about to type in by auto-completing your text with the most frequently searched phrases that start with whatever you have started typing. For example, if you type in "why" you will get the top ten most common searches that start with "why." Here, take a look:
It provides a unique insight into what is on the minds of Americans. (Particularly #6 - "Why can't I own a Canadian." It's a good question, isn't it?)

Here's what the Great and Powerful Google can tell you about "how":
I think my favorite part about this set of questions is that "how to solve a rubix cube" is right up there with "how to get pregnant".

Asking "when" makes me wonder if some people out there actually think that Google is an oracle or deity rather than a search engine.
Of course, the more you type, the narrower the set of possible questions that other people are also wondering about. For example:
Apparently Google is also the place people go to ask questions they wouldn't feel comfortable asking an actual person.

From the other perspective, here's what the people are wondering about:
And just for fun - one last peek into the curious American mind.
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1 comment:

Jay Nicolosi said...

That's really insightful. FYI - I have a book entitled "Why Do Men Have Nipples" which is a pretty good bathroom read.