Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ice ice baby

At childbirth prep class last night we learned some pain coping techniques and then practiced them.

Our teacher used ice as a simulation of the contractions. We would each hold a handful of ice in our bare hands for a full minute, then we'd get to put it down until the next "contraction" started. I didn't find it that painful but apparently some people in the class found it extremely uncomfortable, which I guess is kind of the point.

We also spent most of the three hours of class sitting on the floor, which for some folks* was more than enough practice in coping with pain and discomfort.

During each icy contraction we practiced the different techniques we were learning. One of them involved mooing like a cow. I actually found it quite effective as getting my mind off the pain and even kind of fun. I also liked the one where Eric held one of my feet and just gently squeezed it.

Am I preparing for childbirth or for getting a pedicure at a petting zoo? I think possibly both.

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1 comment:

ginger said...

I remember those classes, and there is no way to simulate a contraction, but still the knowledge I gained got me through a successful natural birth. I never got to moo though.....