Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Up up and away!

On October 25, which is not far from now, Eric and I are getting married in a hot air balloon. It might look something like this:

This will be the official wedding ceremony and the captain of the balloon will officiate for us somewhere over Sonoma County. We are honoring all superstitions we can think of in the hope of getting great weather that day, as it is quite a weather dependent sort of event.

(It is worth noting that the weather in San Francisco today was a lot like the scene at the end of Karate Kid II. I was convinced that the tree in front of our place was going down more than once, but most of it is still there.)

In case you were wondering, there are maternity wedding dresses to be had out there, ranging in price from $39.99 to much much more. I bought a 'regular' wedding dress and am probably the first bride in history to ask the saleswoman, "Do you think I can gain five pounds and still fit into this dress?" Currently, I am on track to look neither normal nor pregnant, merely Ellie Extra Chunky for this wedding. Eh, I'll take it!

The balloon only holds eight people plus the captain, so this is going to be a pretty intimate event with just our parents and my brother joining the festivities on board. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not capable of celebrating any milestone, be it birthday, President's Day or any given Friday, on just one day, or even within one week. This is certainly no different. We are going to hold a big bash wedding party next August to celebrate with all of the friends and family (and our new baby) who won't be with us in the balloon.*

*OK, I guess technically the baby will be with us in the balloon.

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ginger said...

I read this a few days ago, and have been trying to figure out how to put my feelings into words. I am so very excited and happy for you both. Eric has been one of my favorite people since I met him 11 plus years ago, and Ellie, altho I have not met you, I have faithfully read you blog and know in my heart I will love you too!! SO, all that to say, I am thrilled at this good news and want to say CONGRATULATIONS for both of these wonderful events about to happen in your lives. I am so happy to have a sideline view of all the things happening for you both. Thank you for keeping up with your blog so that I can do this. Sending you both lots of love and hugs!!!

Ellie said...

Thanks Ginger! Glad to know you are cheering for us as we make our way, sometimes clumsily, into a very exciting future. I look forward to meeting you someday!