Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Too sexy too cute

We play a lot of games. Often, they are made up on the spot. Like on Sunday, as we were just taking a walk around and Eric channeled the emotional state of statues that we came across.

Indignant indigestion:
Then, we walked past a shop that was so overwhelmingly pink we had to go in. It was full of cheaply made fashion jewelry and accessories and the new game was that Eric would choose the ugliest earrings he could find and I had to wear them for the rest of the day and one time out with friends without a disclaimer.

He chose these, for $4.99:
I am nothing if not vengeful. My retribution:
I paid $1.88 at a shop in Chinatown for this beaut. Eric was convinced for the rest of the day that he was getting a rash from it wherever it touched his skin.

Then we went to see Up in digital 3D.
It is great and I highly recommend that everyone see it.
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ginger said...

I love it!!!!
Loved the pics too!!!

Sarah said...

That is just awesome. There should be a cartoon created about you guys.